Topics and approaches to studying intelligence

Andrew Macpherson, Glenn P. Hastedt (Eds.)

by John J. Borek (University of New Hampshire), Katharine Cunningham (University of New Hampshire), Andrew Macpherson (University of New Hampshire), Angela Miller Lewis (Georgetown University), Bridget Rose Nolan (University of New Hampshire), Doug Patteson (University of New Hampshire), James D. Ramsay (Macquarie University), Barry A. Zulauf (Georgetown University), Ofek Riemer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Robert Reardon (North Carolina State University)

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Since the 1980s, Intelligence Studies has blossomed into a rich field of intellectual analysis. In the 1960s and 1970s, one or two books a year might appear on the subject and almost no scholarly articles. Today a flood of books emerges annually, and several journals are solely dedicated to this subject. And properly so, since intelligence---knowing about and helping to thwart threats---provides the first line of defense for a nation. Further, improper intelligence activities can become a significant threat to civil liberties and has attracted serious study because of this concern as well. In this outstanding volume of essays, Andrew M. Macpherson and Glenn P. Hastedt, well-regarded researchers, have assembled a first-rate team of essayists who present a range of thoughtful probes into the various dimensions of Intelligence Studies. This is an important book, one sure to attract a wide audience in what has become a core discipline within the International Affairs curriculum of universities, colleges, and government training programs.

Loch K. Johnson
Regents Professor Emeritus
Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor
Professor Of International Affairs
School Of Public And International Affairs
The University Of Georgia

The goal of "Topics and approaches to studying intelligence" is to bring into sharper focus the evolving nature of intelligence studies, which is in the midst of a period of significant expansion that is taking place across a number of dimensions. Working on this foundation of past and contemporary analytic intelligence studies, the chapters in "Topics and approaches to studying intelligence" highlight areas of debate and disagreement, provide insight into new areas of study and broaden the methodological toolset used by researchers. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches investigate analysis, alliances, competitive/private sector intelligence, gendered practices of intelligence agencies, the nature of intelligence studies scholarship, accreditation, intelligence disclosure for diplomacy, and the sharing of nuclear-related intelligence.

List of figures and tables
List of acronyms
Andrew M. Macpherson
University of New Hampshire
Glenn P. Hastedt
James Madison University
Chapter 1 Beyond information: Analysis, analysts, and intelligence
John J. Borek
University of New Hampshire
Chapter 2 Predicting intelligence alliances
Katharine Cunningham
University of New Hampshire
Andrew Macpherson
University of New Hampshire
Chapter 3 Demystifying private-sector security intelligence teams: Unlocking their value in strategic decision-making
Angela Miller Lewis
Georgetown University
Chapter 4 Constructing spies: Organizations, gender, and embodiment
Bridget Rose Nolan
University of New Hampshire
Chapter 5 Analysis, collection, counterintelligence, and covert action, oh my...: Evaluating coverage of the intelligence disciplines in academic journals
Doug Patteson
University of New Hampshire
Chapter 6 Advancing the intelligence profession: The case for accreditation in intelligence studies
James D. Ramsay
Macquarie University
Barry A. Zulauf
President of IAFIE
Chapter 7 Official public intelligence disclosure as a tool of foreign policy
Ofek Riemer
University of Haifa
Chapter 8 The IAEA and the dynamics of intelligence sharing
Robert Reardon
North Carolina State University

Andrew Macpherson is an assistant professor of security studies at the University of New Hampshire. He is the program coordinator for the UNH master’s degree in National Security Intelligence Analysis and the principal investigator for the Northeast Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence, a long-term partnership with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Glenn P. Hastedt is a professor emeritus of the Justice Studies department at James Madison University (JMU), where he served as the chair. His publications include "American Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future" and numerous articles on intelligence in "Intelligence and National Security" and the "International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence". He is a former co-editor of the journal "White House Studies." Dr. Hastedt supports the Northeast Intelligence Community Centers for Academic Excellence.

Alternative analysis, intelligence analysis, intelligence cycle, open source, structured analytical techniques, Alliances, network analysis, Ford-Fulkerson Maximum Flow Minimum Cut algorithm, intelligence alliance dynamics, Competitive advantages, decision theory, risk management, strategic security intelligence teams, Gender, embodiment, organizations, division of labor, sociology of work, ethnography, Analysis, collection, HUMINT, intelligence studies, OSINT, Accreditation, continuous improvement, educational standards, occupational closure, workforce, Disclosure, information age, coercion, Intelligence-sharing, IAEA, open source intelligence, secrecy

See also

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Topics and approaches to studying intelligence





Number of pages


Physical size

236mm x 160mm


19 B&W

Publication date

June 2024